Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Have the Best Job in the World

So I am an a pediatric oncology nurse for anyone who doesn't know, and I have the best job ever. No joke, and if you are wondering why I have the best job ever here are a few reasons why...

Kids say the darndest things
          Our kiddos don't go through the terrible two's they go through something called 'roid rage. Give a kid a bunch of steroids and watch out for what comes out of their mouths. A typical response from a child, "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!!!! STOP MESSING AROUND" (now picture a 5 year old standing on their bed screaming this at their mother)

I get paid to do what?
           I get paid to be a kid sometimes, play guess who with a patient, have a dance off in the play room, watch Glee, talk legos, watch any and all Disney/Pixar movies, watch the latest you tube video, play with cool toys (sing a ma jigs), wear crazy hats and sing to our kiddos when it is their birthday. It is pretty awesome to pretend to be a kid sometimes and get paid for it.

Cool Co-workers
           I am also very lucky to have the coolest co-workers around. They have helped me with all of my sporcle games, we have geeked about Harry Potter together *cough (Katie Keeler) cough * and have also listened to rants about life or how crazy a day has been, or how loud people can talk on night shift.

Abbreviations are your best friend
           When you are a nurse, you don't have a lot of time to write things down or say them in report because time is precious. So what do you do abbreviate! Here are some and good luck trying to figure them out :) BMA, LP, IT MTX, F & N, N/V, WNL, IFV, DL CVC, PICC ALL , OVN.

Bald Heads
            Kids with no hair are the cutest in the world, and at my hospital we have the hair fairy who comes at night when a child is losing their hair and they get an awesome present. Our version of the tooth fairy. We also have fun with the shaving of the heads, mohawks, or fun colors. Some kids get really desperate when they are losing all their hair they have been known to take a lint brush and roll it over their head. True story.

Those are a few of my favortie parts about my job, I apologize for how long it has taken me to write this entry and I promise I will do my bestest to keep up on it :) I have a severe addiction to traveling and in a little over a week I will be going to the great state of Flordia, specifically Key Biscayne for our family vacation. So I am sure to have some tales to talk about after that one.


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