Monday, May 9, 2011

Bex is Better

I'm at work. The night's been pretty slow (crossing my fingers that it stays that way) so I am taking a little break from my charting to talk about some of the incredible things I have learned and experienced over the past few days.

First of all, my best friend is the BEST best friend of all the best friends in the world. Her name is Bex and if you meet her it will change your life forever. Here is why:

1. She will introduce you to (and by 'introduce' I mean 'force you to watch') TV shows that you never knew existed before, or if you knew they existed you probably thought they were stupid, but Bex will teach you otherwise. For example, Psych and Project Runway are actually very good shows. Fun for the whole family! Fun for two girls who are feeling really lazy and are still in their pajamas at 3pm...

1b. She will also watch a whole episode of Ellen with you just so you can see your sister in the audience for 30 seconds.

2. She will make you workout with her even if you don't want to but she will tell you it's not because you're fat or anything, it's just because you need something to do and it will make you feel better.

3. She will teach you how to make the best sandwich in the world. It contains: turkey, mayo, feta, tomato, red onion, lettuce and balsamic vinagrette. You will take one bite and pray that you never have to stop eating this sandwich.

4. She will give you a back massage that will make you cry in pain but in the end you feel better. She's all about making you feel better.

5. She will tell you when you are being stupid about boys without being mean about it, except when you are being really stupid, then she will smack some sense into you.

So, as you can see, my best friend is cooler than yours and you should probably be pretty jealous of me. I need to get back to charting, but stay tuned for my next post. Bex and I have received some exclusive information about the impending rapture. Watch out!


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