Saturday, May 7, 2011


To say that Hannah and I are best friends is an understatement. We are weird, wacky and awesome and one evening over our long distance late night text messages we decided to share our awesome-ness with the world and start a blog. So look out world we have arrived.

Life in Cincinnati this week has been more fun filled because the one and only Miss María Elena José has come to visit me!!! To the rest of the world you may know her as Hannah Raymond. I have been trying to give her the full Queen City treatment full of Skyline chili, rain, Reds game (they are on the road so it was on TV), cloudy weather, the Ohio River, cold weather, Mount Adams, and the sun did grace us with its presence on a few certain occasions. In between all our jaunts around the city I have exposed her to the glorious world of Sporcle. For those of you who don't know what sporcle is, it is a website that will change your life. It is a website that can get you through a dragging night shift, or bummin' around the house on a really rainy day when TV just can't cut it anymore. They are mentally stimulating and fun to do by yourself or a group of people. Ever since I have shown it to Hannah, basically I have created a monster. She is intent on dominating all the Harry Potter quizzes. She will readily admit to the fact she is obsessed with it now. I know you now want to go and see what all the hoop-la is about and I encourage you because your life will never be the same. I mean can you name off the top of your head the top 30 countries that have the highest goat population? No well try it in under 4 minutes. And that is the awesome-ness of sporcle.

So one of the many things I made Hannah do was workout with me :) She grumbled the whole time and in addition to the fact I was dragging her to the gym, I dressed her like me. Now if you went to Ecuador with us or have hung out with us a lot you will remember that we like to be alike in numerous ways and sometimes we intentionally dress alike and other times we don't. Anywho this was us post workout looking cute as always.  I have to run to mass in a few so....

Until las gemelas strike again!

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